Museum at Home Activities

Explore Cherry Hill from Home

Cherry Hill Historic House and Farm welcome you to enjoy the museum through our comprehensive digital offerings. Follow Cherry Hill on our Facebook page for new content.

Digital Tours

Cherry Hill Farmhouse Docent Tour – Learn about Cherry Hill from some of our docents and see the rooms inside our home.

Simple Machine Barn Tour – Originally made for 3-grade classes. Learn how English Style barns were built and used along with popular corn grinders.


Have fun at home and challenge your friends with puzzles inspired by Cherry Hill’s iconic images.

Coloring Pages 

Click the link to see Cherry Hill’s very own coloring pages to download and print at home.

Parlor Game Series

These games were extremely popular in the 1800s. We encourage you to give this game a try with friends or family!

Victorian Craft Series

Try some of our favorite crafts from the Victorian Period from the comfort of your home!

Cherry Hill Newsletters

Read the fastest Cherry Hill newsletter and back issues online. Articles include summaries of past events, a list of upcoming programs, and interesting articles related to the history of the farm.

Online Collection

Cherry Hill Farmhouse has a wonderful collection of furniture and household items that represent a middle-class farming family in the mid-1800s.